Welcome to the Indiana Basketball Academy online! Our amazing coaches already miss being on the court with our players. But, as we honor social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we decided to come up with a solution to keep in touch with our families and players. We will be posting workout videos on here each week! These workouts are optional, but encouraged to keep you in basketball shape for when we can ultimately return to the courts together. Just a little bit of work each day will help you keep your basketball touch - you can even do them during the physical education portion of your E-Learning days at home. Tag @playiba on Instagram - Keep us posted on your progress, as we stay connected as the IBA Family online!
Video Disclaimer: Video content was created prior to the stay at home orders and other changes to the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions for businesses.
For an extra workout this week - use the button below to see how Coach Tom's son, Todd Abernethy worked out with Coach Andrew back in 2013 to get some more ideas for drills you can do at home!